Tuesday, June 10, 2008


It's been a month since I've posted anything on here. Shame on me. My loyal readers must have been lost in the woods that is the Internet without this blog. So much for trying to post on here as often as I could. I don't even have a worth while excuse. I have to wonder what good an excuse would be for not posting on a blog that isn't read by anyone. I guess I'd only be telling it to myself, and don't we all give ourselves enough excuses for our own actions without publishing them on the Web? Potentially public exercises of cognitive dissonance never did anyone any good. Though that's a tad presumptuous.

I start a new job Monday. I'm pretty psyched. This is my last real week of freedom and I'm capitalizing on it in my own way. I'm trying to spend as much time relaxing by the pool as I can. It works out great because it's sunny and hot out, and the pool is refreshing and free.

Less than a week. And my weekend is going to be dominated doing things for BGH. Event in Asbury Saturday. Sweating to death printing shirts on Sunday. Then Monday it's on with the tie and out the door at 8:40 am. At least I don't have a commute. Plus it's a good job with decent pay. Take that recession.

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